Dear Colleagues,
Traditionally, the bladder was considered to be a sterile environment. Recently, many studies demonstrated the presence of a variety of bacterial growth in a normal bladder. Change in normal bladder microbiome has been linked with many abnormal bladder conditions such as recurrent UTIs, bladder pain, bladder overactivity and interstitial cystitis.
This new concept has opened an excellent opportunity for researchers to define normal bacterial microbiomes and the potential changes in bacterial flora in different diseased conditions. This can have significant potential therapeutic application with restoration of normal microbiome. Also, with this concept, overuse of antibiotics can contribute to many diseased conditions in the bladder, which needs further research.
In this Special Issue, we seek any original research paper addressing bladder microbiome in normal and diseased conditions and any potentially related topic. The topics include, but are not limited to:
- Defining the normal bladder microbiome.
- The role of microbiome changes in conditions such as recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs), bladder pain, overactive bladder, and interstitial cystitis.
- Therapeutic approaches targeting the restoration of the normal bladder microbiome.
- The impact of antibiotic overuse on bladder health and its contribution to bladder diseases.
- New insights into the relationship between bladder microbiome and various urological conditions.